• Weekly Pick’em Pool 
  • IF a game is cancelled it will count as if it was never on the docket
  • IF a game is postponed past Monday night it will not be counted in weekly results
  • If a Monday Night Game is cancelled the tie-breaker will move to the 2nd Tie -Breaker, most college games picked correct with the spread, then if needed the 3rd tie-breaker most Pro games picked correct with the spread.
  • Survivor Pool
  • NOTE – Yahoo Survivor Pool is run in 100% by Yahoo Sports.  The normal rules are simple, get your pick in before 1pm edt Sunday and if you win your in if you lose twice your out.  However, I can not answer what will happen if you select a team on Saturday and on Sunday morning half the team has Covid and the game is cancelled.  We’ll just have to wait and see if it happens and how Yahoo Survivor intends to handle it.
  • NFL Points Pool 
  •  IF you pick a team and the game is cancelled, postponed to another date past Monday, your pick will revert to the winning score of the Monday Night Football game.
  • IF you pick a Monday Night Football team for your points pick and that game gets cancelled then you will receive the winning score of the Sunday Night game.
  • IF both Monday & Sunday Night games are cancelled well then we have worse things to worry about then the points pool.  But just in case, you’ll get the score of the Thursday night victor.
  • IF you recieve the ‘Covid Default’ pick you will NOT be penalized if you have already picked that team nor will the team count as one of your picks in the event you have not selected the team.  It will be recorded as ‘Covid Default’.